Jeanette & Daniel


Whispers of Elegance: Jeanette & Daniel's Timeless Union at Church of St Theresa & Capella Singapore

Gown by Rico A Mona

Makeup by Queenie Cong

Styling by Fellow Folks

Venue: Capella Sentosa

Enter the enchanting realm of Jeanette & Daniel's love story, where sophistication and grace took center stage in their elegant wedding celebration at the Church of St Theresa and the prestigious Capella Singapore. This wasn't merely a wedding; it was a masterpiece of timeless beauty and refined romance.

The historic charm of the Church of St Theresa set the tone for a ceremony steeped in tradition and elevated by the contemporary allure of love. Jeanette & Daniel's union unfolded with a grace that mirrored the timeless architecture of the church. The celebration continued at Capella Singapore, a venue that echoed the grandeur of their love story.


Yannie & Benjamin